GEODNET Unveils Global RTK GNSS Corrections Service for High-Precision Location Data - Mapping Network

GEODNET Unveils Global RTK GNSS Corrections Service for High-Precision Location Data

GEODNET, recognized as the world's largest decentralized geospatial reference network, has announced the roll-out of a novel service, the Real-Time Kinematic (RTK), Centimeter Precision, GNSS Corrections Service, targeted at Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Systems Integrators. The announcement came during an international forum held in Toulouse, France.

This cutting-edge service is designed to provide unmatched precision for on-vehicle GNSS receivers, such as RTK rovers, and authorized-reference stations. An RTK rover is the receiving device that interprets GNSS data to guide RTK-capable devices such as surveying equipment, automated lawn mowers, drones, and more. GEODNET's compatibility spans a multitude of GNSS receivers currently in use from leading brands, automated steering and spraying systems, and the latest advancements in robotics, including drones, across diverse sectors. A network of densely distributed reference stations guarantees rapid and reliable performance with premium accuracy.

GEODNET is now offering trial access to this state-of-the-art correction service to eligible OEMs and Systems Integrators across a wide range of sectors and regions globally. Interested parties can apply for a trial stream via the GEODNET website.

Key features of the GEODNET data stream, a comprehensive constellation corrections service, include:

  • RTCM3.2 Data Format ensuring maximum compatibility with rovers and receivers
  • User-friendly NTRIP sign-on and access
  • Signal tracking capabilities for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BDS
  • Additional benefits are available for adding local reference stations in a flexible, permissionless way, including potential rewards and service discounts based on the quality of contributed data.
GEODNET's journey to prominence began when it won the Best Presentation Award at the Institute of Navigation 2021 GNSS Conference. Since its official inception in February 2022, the network has grown to include over 3000 reference stations scattered across all major continents, solidifying its position as the foremost decentralized Geospatial Reference Network globally. A real-time reference station map is available on the GEODNET website.

Mike Horton, the Project Creator of GEODNET, voiced his satisfaction with reaching the scale and density required to introduce this pioneering Global RTK Corrections network. He underscored the mutual benefit that the high-precision location ecosystem brings to every member across various industries.

Significantly, GEODNET's foresight extends beyond the current advancements. The upcoming halving is designed to achieve deflationary burn mint equilibrium by 2025. This strategic mechanism incentivizes significant network growth, fostering more applications and ultimately leading to increased customer revenue. The anticipated outcome adds an overall value to the project, heightening the attraction for potential investors and participants, and bolstering the network's strength and utility.

The launch of the RTK, GNSS Corrections Service by GEODNET is a groundbreaking stride not just in agriculture but in numerous sectors. Thanks to its extensive network of reference stations, unparalleled precision, and global scalability, GEODNET is empowering OEMs and Systems Integrators to leverage the full potential of their robotic solutions. Revolutionizing high-precision location data, GEODNET is driving innovation and transforming multiple industries worldwide.

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